
    From Hokuto no Ken Encyclopedia | HnKWiki

    {{Tlx|Template|first parameter|second|third| ...|tenth|11th}}{{Template|first parameter|second|third|...|tenth|11th}}

    Purpose and naming[edit source]

    Mnemonically 'Template link expanded'. After {{Tl}} Template link'.

    • This template takes another template-name and some associated pipe-tricked (numbered) parameters (or 'pass parameters'), and displays them as an 'example demonstration' of how the template-name template could be coded, literally. Its primary use is in instruction and documentation.
    • Specifics: Up to 11 pass parameters (numbered or nowiki-keywords) for the specified template are displayed as 'placeholders', and over 11 parameters can be displayed using a coded vertical-bar (as in "&#124;..."). A keyword parameter can be used with equals code &#61; or {{=}} or in nowiki-text: "<nowiki>size=10</nowiki>" or all parameters as a string in "<nowiki>" tags; see Examples at bottom. For more details, see this talk page.
    • Exceptions: If the intended template lists numerous/keyword parameters, then perhaps this template should really not be used, and just hardcode the usage with <code><nowiki>, for example: <code><nowiki>{{Anytemplate|arg1=23|size=250px|other parameters...}}</nowiki></code>. If a vertical display, with parameters on their own lines, is desired, this can also be laid out manually in this manner, or more rapidly done with <pre>...</pre>.

    • If given no additional parameters except  'template name' ({{{1}}}),  it presents the same as the similar {{Tl}} macro template -- a blue link nested in curly-braces-- the same as a user would apply the template without parameters, but with a noticably clearer font and spacing on most modern browsers.
    • {{Tl|Tl}} display compared to {{Tlx|Tl}}: (Tl: {{Tl}} versus Tlx: {{Tl}})
    • Comparatively, {{Tl}} will not take or display additional parameters, and for minor technical reasons, may be preferred for mere listing and referencing in long pages involving a lot of template expansions.
    • {{Tlx}} has a named parameter subst. Setting this parameter to any string of length 1 or greater will place the string "subst:" before the template name, linked to Help:Substitution. This is useful to indicate when a template should be substituted. For example {{Tlx|Welcome|subst=Y}} will display {{subst:Welcome}}.

    Documentation[edit source]

    {{Tlx}} is a generalization of {{Tl}}, {{Tlp}}, etcetera with arguably better readable output. This depends on the browser, but too narrow uses of "{", "|", "}" in conjunction with links can be hard to read.

    Usage[edit source]

    {{Tlx|template name}}
    {{Tlx|template name|param}}
    {{Tlx|template name|1|2|3}}
    {{Tlx|template name|1|2|3&#124;more}}
    {{Tlx|template name|param&#61;value}}

    Up to three placeholders for parameters of the specified template

    Examples[edit source]

    On the source sister projects, en.wikipedia and Meta, X0, X1, X2,..., X9 are sandbox templates for experimentation on involved templates that need be in template space. An auto-cleansing software facility exists that might be used to duplicate the facility on other Sister projects.
    Code Result Remark
    {{Tlx|x0}} {{x0}}  
    {{Tlx|Abc}} {{Abc}}  
    {{Tlx|ABC}} {{ABC}}  
    {{Tlx|AbC}} {{AbC}}  
    {{Tlx|x1|one}} {{x1|one}}  
    {{Tlx|x2|one|two}} {{x2|one|two}}  
    {{Tlx|x3|1|2|3}} {{x3|1|2|3}}  
    {{Tlx|x4|1|2|3|4}} {{x4|1|2|3|4}} up to 5 parameters, then ...
    {{Tlx|x4|1|2|3&#124;4}} {{x4|1|2|3|4}} &#124; for more
    {{Tlx|x1|x=u}} {{x1}} = won't work
    {{Tlx|x1|x&#61;u}} {{x1|x=u}} &#61; is okay
    {{Tlx|x1|x{{=}}u}} {{x1|x=u}} {{=}} is okay
    {{Tlx|x1|<nowiki>x=u</nowiki>}} {{x1|x=u}} sticky nowiki is okay
    {{Tlx|x2| |two}} {{x2|two}} empty won't work
    {{Tlx|x2|&#32;|two}} {{x2| |two}} &#32; is okay
    {{Tlx|x2|&nbsp;|two}} {{x2| |two}} &nbsp; is okay
    {{Tlx|x2| &#124; two}} {{x2| | two}} &#124; is okay
    {{Tlx|x2| {{!}} two}} {{x2| | two}} {{!}} is dubious
    {{Tlx|x2|2=|3=two}} {{x2|two}} empty really doesn't work
    {{Tlx|x2|2=one|two}} {{x2|two}} two clobbers 2=one
    {{Tlx|x2|3=two|2=one}} {{x2|one|two}} right to left okay
    {{Tlx|convert|<nowiki>14|m|ftin|abbr=out|sp=us</nowiki>}} unlimited parameters as one nowiki string

    See also[edit source]

    • Template:Tlxb – same as {{Tlx}}, but gives the template name in boldface type (this can be useful when stressing the difference between two similarly named templates). Template:Tlb is the same, except it uses regular text instead of a monospaced non-proportional font.
    • Template:Para – for giving examples of template parameters and values only, instead of entire templates with parameters.