Template:Infobox Technique/doc

Template for Tecniques / Waza / Ōgi
  • Uses {{Infobox}} to centralize the style.
Insert the following at the beginning of the page
{{Infobox Technique
|Image = 
|Caption =
|Furigana =
|Kanji = 
|Romaji = 
|Pronunciation = 
|English = 
|School = 
  • Image, Caption and Pronunciation are optional
    • Caption is only visible if Image is provided
  • Some of the parameters expect a peculiar value
    • Image, use full syntax, like [[Image:ImagePath.jpg|220px|Alternate Text]]
    • Furigana, a sequence of {{Ruby}} templates, one for every kanji like this {{ruby||ほく|ho ku}}
    • Pronunciation, is meant to contain the IPA spelling of the word, possibly linked to an ogg file with a person spelling it out. Try to use this format: {{IPA-ja|<IPA pronounciation>|<Filename of the .ogg containing the sound>}}
    • School, make sure every school is linked.
{{Infobox Technique
|Name = Ganzan Ryōzan Ha
|Furigana = 
{{Ruby|岩|がん|Ga n}}
{{Ruby|山|ざん|za n}}
{{Ruby|両|りょう|Ryo u}}
{{Ruby|斬|ざん|za n}}
|Kanji = 岩山両斬波
|Romaji = Ganzan Ryōzan Ha
|English = Rocky Mountain Splitting Wave
|Pronunciation = {{IPA-ja|ɡaŋzaɴ ɽʲoːzaɴ ha|Ganzanryozanha.ogg}}
|School = [[Hokuto Shin Ken]]
|Image = [[File:Ganzan Ryouzan Ha.jpg|220px|[[Kenshiro]] hitting a [[Spade thug]]]]


Ganzan Ryōzan Ha
Kenshiro hitting a Spade thug

(がん) (ざん) (りょう) (ざん)

Kanji 岩山両斬波
Romaji Ganzan Ryōzan Ha
Pronunciation [ɡaŋzaɴ ɽʲoːzaɴ ha](help·info)
English Rocky Mountain Splitting Wave
School Hokuto Shin Ken