Kogure (コグレ, voiced by Osamu Ichikawa) is a villain who appears only in the Hokuto no Ken TV series. He is the leader of the gang that attacked and killed a chicken breeder who befriended Kenshirō and Fudoh. When Kenshiro chased after him to avenge the chicken breeder, Kogure sought the opportunity to defeat him in order to gain acceptance into Ken-oh's troops. After his lackeys were defeated, Kogure and his three partners (Guzuri, Jira, and Naburi) gave Ken a good fight by performing the Taizan-ryū Shisoku Ken technique, until Ken saw through the fact that the technique required Kogure to coordinate the movement of the three other mmembers. Ken paralyzed Kogure and then went on to defeat the other three as well, causing them to explode together.
Kogure's name and appearance seems to be based on Japanese heavy metal musician Demon Kogure, the frontman of the band Seikima-II.