Goran (ゴラン) (c.v. Yoshinori Sonobe) Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: line 1: convert: command not found


Goran, as he appears in the manga
Name in Kanji ゴラン
Name in Romaji Goran
Alternate spelling(s) Gaurin
Fighting Style Boxing, Muay Thai
Allegiance(s) Honghua Hui
Family none known
Position(s) Boxer

Manga (ch. 14-18)

Anime (ep. 5-7)
Voice actor(s) Yoshinori Sonobe
Goran (or Gaurin) was a boxer who serves as the champion of the Execution Games held at the Great New World Entertainment Hall. Brought over by Jean Carne, he was responsible for the deaths of countless Qing Bang members that were captured by the Honghua Hui and thrown into the ring.


He is a tall, muscular man of African descent with a round face who has short hair styled in a bumpy fashion and a mouth full of gold teeth.
He is introduced wearing a suit and coat, but when he steps into the ring he wears a typical boxing attire consisting of boxing gloves, shorts, and boots.


He is a brash, cocky, and cruel man who comes across as being dumb and simple-minded, something that isn't helped at all by him struggling to count. Despite this, he is actually a lot smarter than one would guess from a shallow glance at him, as he was able to correctly identify Ken as Yan-Wang, because of how he talked and the techniques he used on him, even though he was disguised as Ye.
One of his most notable personality traits is his tendency to let his enemies hit himself as a mocking way of showing pity on them.


He uses a hybrid fighting style of Boxing and Muay Thai. He has an above average level durability as getting struck in the face by the average man only damages their hands, but he isn't tough enough to resist Ken's strength, as he was able to send Goran spinning through the air with just a single backhand.


In the past, Goran served in the French Military in French Indochina, where he learned Muay Thai in Siam. He is destroyed by Kenshiro Kasumi's rendition of the Hokuto Hyakuretsu Ken which ends with him striking Tōmonketsu Hashisō pressure point, which causes all of Goran's bones to break within his body, turning him into mush.


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